Friday, 24 October 2014

Zomtober Week 4 - Better dead than zed

Hi Folks,

so it´s week 4 already, doesn´t time fly (when you´re having fun)...

This week we have the Man with no face, main body is Nathan from NYD with a few bits and bobs.

Really easy conversion this week, as I have to pack tonite and go to a local model show. I cut off his head and added a motorcycle helmet added a pitch fork and a street sign (Bends ahead,or whatever!!).

This I did by downloading an image from the Interwebz moved it into Adobe Illustrator added the wording and printed it out. I then glued it to a piece of tin foil and slapped paint on it.

A close up of his urban shield.

And his pitch fork.

Right, that´s all from me for this week,i´moff to sell afew minis (hopefully)....

Stay safe and survive


Saturday, 18 October 2014

Zomtober 2014 - Week 3 Female Zombie

It surely has been fun this week, I got a load of casts for NYD, so every evening was unpacking and in between cutting up the paint brush (for the hair) checking all of the casts (green stuffing my mini) preparing the product pages on my webshop (painting my mini) oh and inbetween I had a bit of real life :-)

Damm this real life stuff really takes time awayfrom the hobby, I think it should be banned!!!!

Anyway, on the this weeks entry (or whatever we are calling them)...

I started with this mini "Ma" Peabody from my range of survivors. I cut off her head, arms, bag and the front of her coat.

I rebuilt her head and arms from another zombie, cut away her shirt and coat, rebuilt her boob and torn off shirt. I then started with the hair which I used from an old paint brush.I will not be doing that again very soon!! It wasn´t funny with super glued hair flying all over the place.

For next week is another survivor in the works.

See you then...Stay safe and survive


Thursday, 9 October 2014

Zomtober 2014 - week 2- Johnny Rotten

This week was total chaos at work and at NYD (new casts arrived) and had to be unpacked, checked and then repacked.....

I was planning to also do a survivor along with my zombie, but alas time got the better of me.

As I will be attending the "Small Model Challenge" in Eindoven Holland this weekend I have to update my blog today....

So, introducing "Jonathan Rott", one of the last diehard (pun intended) Punks just before the apocalypse hit....

Now "Johnny Rotten" walks the blood soaked streets, looking for something that he didn´t have before the apocalypse....BRAINNNNSSSSS....

Stay safe and survive


Friday, 3 October 2014

Bob the survivor

Bob the my first painted figure for Zomtober. It being a German holiday today, I had abit of extra time.

As mentioned in my other post, he is printed from a material that has quite a rough surface,as you can see in the second picture. I am still quite happy with him :-)

 Now to get started on the next figure. Next one up is a zombie punk.

Stay safe and survive